Saturday, May 12, 2012

Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages

I just thought about this... All things in this world have their own advantages and disadvantages.. Sometimes life for us is so unfair because not all of the things are always in our favor.. Examples such as fail grades on exams, embarrassing moments and other stuff..

But there's more to it... You just don't notice it...

Each disadvantages that we experience has an opposite advantages that will come to us.. It's just like Newton's Third Law "for every action, there is an equal opposite reaction".. Yeah, that will come in handy..
Just believe in that mantra.. For every disadvantages there is an advantage that will come in your way..

I believe in that... I just keep on believing... But sometimes, this doesn't work but I still believe and have faith in it...

Remember this, when you feel your the loneliest or the unluckiest person in this world because of some sort of disadvantage, just believe there are others whose problem is far more greater than yours.. Just think positive, and the positive vibes will come..

Just sharing my thought... (English Version)

That's all


"for every action, there is an equal opposite reaction"

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