Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An Anime Blog: Dusk Maiden of Amnesia

Dear Blog,

I finished watching a romance/comedy/drama anime entitled Dusk Maiden of Amnesia.. The main focus of this anime is the boy named Teichii. This boy had an encountered with a ghost called Yuuko-san. This ghost is a "she" and she was the mysterious ghost residing in the school building wherein Teichii is studying.. Their fateful encounter with each other deepens and there's a love relationship developed between the two of them..

Title Card
The main characters (Yuuko, Teichii, Kirie, Okonogi)

Yeah, it sounds "fantasy" and fictional but you can see the funny element in having a person/ghost relationship.. Even I can find myself enjoying the lovey-dovey scenes because there is this "hotness" element such as some erotic moments.. (If you know what I mean..) Another funny moment in this series is the ghost hunting portion that the protagonists do.. Well you see, Techii created a Paranormal Investigation Club in order to investigate the reason behind Yuuko's existence in the school. You see.. Almost all of the ghost stories surrounding Teichii's school has a connection to Yuuko.. Teichii and the gang are trying to unlock the mysteries behind it.. And one part of their duties is the "joke time" investigation. Why? Just watch it..

One of my favorite portions

Ah! I remembered.. One thing that enjoys me is the portion wherein Yuuko moves while the other characters can't see her. The footage first show the scene wherein Yuuko moves but her appearance was not shown to the viewers. Then, the footage will replay back or simultaneously show the appearance of Yuuko while doing all of her movements.. Just watch it, if you can't grasp my instructions or descriptions..

By the way other characters include;
1) Kirie
2) Okonogi

So, for the positive things that I will mention..
1) Animation... Good drawings on the characters.. Good drawing especially for Yuuko.. She is beautiful.. 5/5
2) Good plot.. The story starts from a light side and then the main conflict comes.. The main conflict is between Yuuko and the shadow Yuuko.. The conflict was later solved and the story shifts to the next conflict wherein Yuuko can no longer remain on earth because she finished her mission.. Sort of that.. It ended in happy note after the heavy drama portion in the middle of the last episode.. Overall, good story.. 4/5

Some negatives..
1) Okonogi.. I hate that Girl.. Well, this is personal thoughts but I hate her mannerisms and her appearance..

Hahaha! That's the sales talk.. Just watch it if you want to divert from the common shounen type animes..
Hope you watch it and enjoy it.. I also hope that my post will help you a bit...

That's all

Title Card

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